MacNeil’s Protective Services provides specialized event security services for public and private events of varying sizes. Our security personnel are equipped to manage crowds of less than five to hundreds of people in venues ranging from small gatherings to convention centers. We understand the unique and evolving security challenges that come with organizing events and have a proven track record in managing them.

To ensure the best security coverage for your event, we collaborate with your management and event staff to identify potential threats and develop effective strategies to mitigate them. Our special event management personnel are experienced security professionals and former law enforcement officials who have successfully planned and executed security for various events, including conventions, demonstrations, business outings, labor strikes, and sporting events.

We take pride in providing fully screened and highly trained security personnel who specialize in special events security. We offer comprehensive security programs for different types of events such as grand openings, film and theater premieres, celebrity appearances, autograph signings, art gallery openings, and fundraising dinners. Our team proactively manages security to address all your needs while maintaining the image of your event. We ensure that all the necessary advance work is completed to ensure a successful event.

MacNeil’s protection team is committed to providing professionally managed and expertly executed special event security services that meet your needs.

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