Sex Crimes Investigations
Dates TBA
Practical Education for the Law Enforcement Officer
Presenter: Captain Steven Green (NYPD – retired)
About the presenter
Steven Green retired from the NYPD at the rank of Captain serving a total of 26.5 years. His final assignment was five years spent as the Commanding Officer, Detective Bureau/Special Victims Division/Zone One. He retired in August of 2020.
In this role, he had responsibility and oversight for all child abuse and sex crime cases in Manhattan and Bronx boroughs. This comprised several high-profile media cases involving celebrities, child homicides, stranger rapes/sexual assaults, and college sexual assaults. To get a sense of the volume of cases, Steven’s office handled 1500 sexual assault cases each year in Manhattan alone!
About the course
This course is the absolute definition of practicum as it relates to sex crimes investigations. The target audience is literally any law enforcement officer who will be dealing with sexual assault investigations or needs to have their existing investigative skills taken to the next level. Any officer attending the course will take away new skills that they can refer to over and over again.
Steven starts the course by clearly defining the role of the officer and all the players involved in moving a case forward. He then takes the officer through all the steps necessary to conduct an investigation, define it and package it up for prosecutors. Along the way, Steven uses a selection of his own memorable cases to demonstrate each step and gives insight to help the officer in their future cases.
The course is designed to illicit discussion with all those attending and help them as they move forward with their own experiences.
Steven is a tremendous storyteller, and seasoned New York City Street Cop, making the overall experience lively and informative. The course can be taught to officers online or in-person. The course starts with defining all the elements the officer will encounter followed by three distinct and key phases: The Intake Phase, The Investigative Phase and The Determination/Disposition Phase. Depending on how lively questions and answers are exchanged, the course will take 12 hours in total. It is meant to be spread out over three days. A leave-behind of the PowerPoint presentation is given to each participant to mark up and keep with them.